Monday, November 29, 2021

Digital Detox

Digital Detox

Digital media has become so a crucial part of our daily lives and assists us in almost everything we do. It can be a challenge just to leave your phone for a few minutes or an hour, it has become a mass addiction in our society. The only time you can really understand how much you depend on something is when you no longer have the ability to use that something. 

I attempted to go 24 hours without using any form of digital device, I failed really fast but it did enlighten me on my dependence of it. I learned that I have built a larger habit than I had originally thought. from when I wake up to when I leave for school or work (which takes about an hour) I am usually on my device for at least 20 minutes within that time. I didn't even last that hour when I attempted the detox, the temptation was too strong and I would get bored and anxious when I didn't have it. our phones and digital devices assist us with a lot over things everyday and are helpful tools, but there is a point where it surpasses just being a tool and starts to become more of a 3rd arm making us dangerously dependent on it.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

AR Presentation

reflection of AR/VR Presentation

The subject I found most interesting in the presentation was when she discussed how this new technology of AR was going to be as influential as the iPhone. the iPhone was groundbreaking for the technology industry changing the world forever. Today around 14% of the worlds population has used or still uses an iPhone. If AR is really going to be as influential as the iPhone, one can only imagine what our world will look like with AR in full effect. It would open many new doors of creation, work, and convenience in our daily lives moving the whole world forward. I am both scared and excited about this technology becoming a part of our daily lives, scared that it may arise new problems and issues, be abused and used for the wrong reasons, but mostly excited to see how it could change the world and all the new creations it will encourage. AR has already done some incredible things I think we are all excited to see what it will do next.

audio project
