Monday, November 29, 2021

Digital Detox

Digital Detox

Digital media has become so a crucial part of our daily lives and assists us in almost everything we do. It can be a challenge just to leave your phone for a few minutes or an hour, it has become a mass addiction in our society. The only time you can really understand how much you depend on something is when you no longer have the ability to use that something. 

I attempted to go 24 hours without using any form of digital device, I failed really fast but it did enlighten me on my dependence of it. I learned that I have built a larger habit than I had originally thought. from when I wake up to when I leave for school or work (which takes about an hour) I am usually on my device for at least 20 minutes within that time. I didn't even last that hour when I attempted the detox, the temptation was too strong and I would get bored and anxious when I didn't have it. our phones and digital devices assist us with a lot over things everyday and are helpful tools, but there is a point where it surpasses just being a tool and starts to become more of a 3rd arm making us dangerously dependent on it.

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